Friday, February 23, 2007

A hommage to one of the great bloggers of our time...

Yes, it's true, my post is a hommage to our beloved Norbert Cheeseman. At first I thought, "How could I possibly do Mr. Cheeseman justice, for I am a mere mortal." But then I picked myself up off the bathroom floor (don't ask...) and decided that the best way to post after Norbs was to return to his first post, with not the same clip, but the same actor/cyborg, Mr. Christopher Walken. His acting capabilities are beyond all other actor/cyborgs, and it awes me to watch him work....without any further adieu, here are two clips of Mr. Walken at his best:

Now, don't feel pressured to make full comments on both videos...I think that one comment encompassing the subject matter of both clips should be sufficient.

Thank you, and good night!



NPC said...

Hello everyone,

Terry you do me too much honour. I cannot say enough about my unalterable level of respect for you as a gentleman and a researcher of the highest regard.

The selected clips should definitely not be put aside lightly by the serious CSIer. They should be thrown with great force.

Seriously though, I really enjoyed them and I must say this guy is a comic genius... He's always been one of my "favourites". I love his NY accent in the 3 little pigs. Totally histerical and comedically historical! Can you imagine sitting around a bunch of little kids reading like that, or as in Pulp Fiction, telling a kid about how he and his dad had a watch hidden in that manner.

I think Walken's use of the bizarre is pure genius. He uses that element, combined with his looks to great effect. Walken does not look funny. He looks like a guy that would say " I will fuck you up if you fuck with me".

I've always loved that kind of unconventional humour and he fits that mould brilliantly. It is incomprehensible that anyone could not find this humorous.

Have a nice weekend

Charlie said...

Good selection Turr. But first I must say your introduction itself was very well done, well written and amusing.

Christopher Walkins seems to be a likeable guy, he has this confident style that people like, and his style seems to be one in which he presents a sometimes subtle sense of the ludicrous type of humour which people like alot too.

I don't remember that scene from Pulp Fiction, but as Walkins described the history of the watch to his son, I was hoping he would end his talk to the son by saying, " the watch means a great deal to our family, and if you don't like it, then you can stick it up your arse."

The Three Little Pigs reading was executed perfectly. He used the often associated matter-of fact/tough guy New Yorker image, to make this "children's reading" all the more absurb, and hence be seen as a fine piece of humour.

Adios for now,

Charlie, Norb's bro,
aka, kodak (my previous blogger name)

Susan said...

Norbert invited me to his blog and I really enjoyed the first clips of the whacky Christopher Walken. Great selections Terry! Pulp fiction is a clasic and Walken was cast brillantly. I had never seen the 3 little pigs skit, but that was a little gem. Walken has been one of the better SNL hosts and that exaplains why he has done it multiple times. Walken's diction and manner of speaking is part of his whole success in the entertainment biz and I can't forget to mention that I love him best when dancing. The music videos he's appeared in have been some of my favorite Walken works.
Thanks for letting me comment!